2011年5月15日 星期日

花球 -- 卉豐

睇到好多blogger對秋子同卉豐都給予好評, 上次行過卉豐之後就俾佢d花球吸引住, 上星期日完祟拜諗住再去wayfoong問下2月有咩花就confirm (其實9個月前confirm花鋪會吾會太早呢?), 點知一問之下原來婚期近新年+情人節所以整個2月都要on top再加$500, 但係我25號都要加... 即時要停一停諗一諗...因為我未去過其他花鋪吾知其他係吾係都一樣要加, 所以就算個姐姐點show d花球俾我, 我都想睇埋"秋子"先下決定.

卉豐宜家offer package 包花球, 2套頭花, 2套新朗襟花, 4主婚人襟花, 2束感謝花束 + 12pc 襟花, $1980 + $500 = $2480, 吾知你地覺得點呢?

題外話: 其實我對花認識好少, 要不是做新娘我都吾留意花, 宜家心水主花係玫瑰配風信子+小繡球,即係呢個

5 則留言:

  1. We have to pay that surcharge too, and packages are not available to us (Have to buy individual items = more expensive). But we were too comfortable there and so didn't think to check with the other florist and just paid the deposit!  Did you find any other florists requesting that surcharge?
    [版主回覆05/22/2011 13:09:00]Wayfoong really has the nice flower but the package is a bit out of our planning. We will go to 秋子 next week because 湯生 said he's quite busy this week.

  2. 唔知 秋子新年同情人節加唔加$呢? We were worried the florist without surcharge would provide not-the-best flowers...
    [版主回覆05/22/2011 20:26:00]Which flower u will choosen for bouquet?

  3. I know very little about flowers hahaha... Probably peony if supply is Ok, but was told at wayfoong that February is good for smaller peonies, so I am not sure... Have you decided what to use?
    [版主回覆05/23/2011 20:35:00]I have no idea yet, maybe the one as above picture la.
    By the way, when is your big day? Also can u add me as blog fd?

  4. add jor la! could you add me too? it's good that you find another place without surcharge la... our day is 13 feb 2012. it's too close to CNY and Valentines day, I don't think I will find any place who wouldn't charge extra lor... 
    [版主回覆05/23/2011 21:15:00]add u too, we can always share the information la 

  5. 秋子平d呀咁~~
    [版主回覆05/28/2011 11:25:00]係呀, 所以我join左秋子喇
