2011年7月14日 星期四

1st trial of E.G.

(1) 呢個款好多度都有, 不過我覺得幾好

(2) 我好鐘意魚尾, 好grand, 但係成熟得濟好似同文生吾多襯

(3) 傘裙款用黎迎賓都幾好喎~

(4) 想楝黃色送客, 好嗎?


2 則留言:

  1. I like (1) and (4), they are similar in style, just different color... I personally looove mermaids but i think the colour of (2) makes you look a bit mature. (3) is very girlie with the ball gown style and color - is that what you want? and i agree that finding the EG is much more difficult than the WG ah!! Add oil and keep looking!!
    [版主回覆07/15/2011 23:38:00]Yes, totally agree with u for (1)(4) & (2). I like (2) most but the color is a bit mature. For (3) not really the style I like but I think usally bride will have the ball gown for "welcome moment" in HK, isn't it? Do u think the pink color is 娘? Anyhow we both need to keep looking

  2. this is nice
    very elegant
